Anxiety and A&E
So... the past few days I have been having quite a lot of anxiety surrounding some pain and sensations in my right hand chest. I have written about this in a bit more detail in some of my pages, however wanted to share a quick update to my posts. I had an intermittent pain between the right shoulder blade and my spine...a common pneumothorax symptom, and I had a dull ache in my side with a very persistent grinding sensation in my chest, which was quite familiar in feeling to the bubbling sensation I had during a collapsed lung. I went online as you do to seek some reassurance and kept telling myself it was probably just a dull muscular ache. The spirometer level looked good and I had a lot of messages from people on Facebook groups who responded to my concerned post and told me it was probably nothing and quite normal. Despite all this however, I found myself in A&E yesterday to get checked out. The anxiety was causing me issues, probably more t...