A afternoon update

Another good night's sleep which is nice to report. Only issue once again was the arm. It is still sensitive to the touch and although this is improving it seems the pain is becoming more muscular.  I have been trying to do my stretches to prevent frozen shoulde, however I am unable to raise my arm up by my side whilst keeping it straight. It feels like the muscles want to tear, mainly under my bicep. I hope his fades soon and will keep an eye on it.

On a positive note I don't seem to need quite so many painkillers these days. Taking them a little les often and trying to alternate between paracetamol and dihydrocodeine.

Excersie wise, I advise walking in good shoes as when I walked in a pair of flip flops yesterday, my feet had no cushioning and the steps could be felt in my chest. Without painkillers this was a bit much and had to really slow down the pace.


  1. Hi Emma,
    Hopefully all is well for you. I decided to continue our correspondence through your blog but this is my third attempt to get it to post. I have started reading your blog to Kai. He has been allowed full activity since last Monday. He is feeling good and starting back to his normal fast pace! I almost feel like I should follow him around with a bubble for him exist in but that is not realistic��. His coach does not want him playing summer league but to work on getting back to 100%. Kai has accepted this but it still bums him out. He is focusing on eating more and better to try and put on some weight this summer too. He went on a long bike ride yesterday and played a basketball game with some friends at the park. His back still bother him and I just keep praying that it is just his muscles getting back into shape as his back was hurting the night before the last collapse.
    Well, I will keep you posted and look forward to your next update.
    Sending healing prayers your way!
    Denise and Kai

    1. That was the 5th attempt to publish!!! It worked!!!

    2. Hi Denise,
      Sorry it has taken such effort to post! am not sure why :/ I'm also sorry the reply has taken a while! I have been a little absent from my blog as I had some migraines and the computer wouldn't have helped! I have updated the blog with another posting today though. Unfortunately for me there is still air on the lung, I will be back for another X-Ray soon though so fingers crossed it is going down.
      Glad to hear that Kai is doing well, it is great that he has been able to get back to doing some sports. I think from my perspective the fact that he isn't constantly worrying about it is great, this is an issue I am having at the moment with anxiety and I am trying to get to grips with it. It is such an awful feeling and because it can affect your breathing, it doesn't bode well considering this is the reason I feel anxious!
      I hope it is just muscle recovery too, I imagine it is if he is able to get about like he is doing. It is hard not to always link it to a collapse but I think that is all you can hope to do really, otherwise it will be a future of constant worry. I think it's important to remember that although back and shoulder pain is a symptom of a collapse, trust that you knew at the time it was more than just back pain, and therefore you should if it ever happens again. Unless there is obvious breathlessness it is probably best not to panic for the sake of your mental health. If it helps, my back is the same and I think the best thing is doing core strength exercises when capable. I read that learning to use your diaphragm to breathe properly is also good for your core as well as your breathing. Might be worth a shot? I also bought an oximeter to measure by blood oxygen saturation levels for whenever I get a bit worried. hopefully this will help!

      Best wishes to you both! It is great to hear he is doing so well, hopefully I will be following suit!



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I hope that these accounts are of some help to those of you out there in the same situation as I was a week ago. Please feel free to leave a comment, whether it is an experience of your own or a question you would like to ask and hopefully we can encourage more people to discuss this issue. Thank you

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